My comic ZOE #2 is NOW available on comiXology Submit! Be sure to check it out!
I posted preview pages on my tumblr, I mostly stopped updating this blog so please follow my work there:
csütörtök, november 20
péntek, június 20
Temple Run 2
I forgot about this piece for the last month or so as it was one of those last jobs around the end of school. Anyway, this one was just a do-a-one-pager-for-something kind of project, so I picked one of my favourite Android games, Temple Run 2. I will probably do another page or maybe a spread to follow this one up.
Ink on Bristol, 11" x 17"
Ink on Bristol, 11" x 17"
péntek, május 16
Nights in Varanasi // Colors
I penciled this little two-pager a couple months back and I had the opportunity to color it now. I had a lot of fun with it (I mean, come on, vampires in India!), so hopefully the creator, Teresa Edeen will keep writing the story.
This is the earlier post with Josh Zingerman's inks over my pencils.
This is the earlier post with Josh Zingerman's inks over my pencils.
szerda, május 7
Spider-Man & The Human Torch
Fun assignment for Humor class: draw yourself with a celebrity! So this is me as Spider-Man hanging out with Chris Evans as The Human Torch.
I had a lot of fun painting this, and I put special effort into the city in the background. I started painting it with gouache, which is the nastiest kind of paint ever invented, I used it for the figures, and then forgot about it and used watercolor on the background.
Original size: 10x15"
I had a lot of fun painting this, and I put special effort into the city in the background. I started painting it with gouache, which is the nastiest kind of paint ever invented, I used it for the figures, and then forgot about it and used watercolor on the background.
Original size: 10x15"
hétfő, április 28
Fashion Illustration

I went out of my way to make it look realistic, I used reference shots of models Will Chalker and Nate Gill and frankensteined them with a looot more shots to get the picture I need because I didn't want to just copy a photo.
I had a lot of fun with the watercolors, I hope to do more painting whenever I can.
Watercolor on Illustration Board, 11" by 17"
Akvarel illusztráció divathirdetéshez.
vasárnap, április 27
CRUSH Beer Label
My first graphic design effort in a while.
Packaging design for a beer. I chose the Crush brand and went with the crushed beer can effect.
Drawn in Adobe Illustrator.
Packaging design for a beer. I chose the Crush brand and went with the crushed beer can effect.
Drawn in Adobe Illustrator.
szerda, április 16
The PatWoman
Aw, I am almost sad I am done with this painting because it brought me so much joy...
So this is one of my classmates, dressed as Catwoman last Halloween, and I cannot think of a single funnier thing right now, so please enjoy with me.
Acrylics on Canvasbord, 9x12"
kedd, április 8
A+B // The Wedding Comic
The Book of AARON // Minicomic

szombat, április 5
Guardians // COPIC Pin-Up

I post 3 main phases of the process:
1. Lineart drawn with brush and ink on Bristol board.
2. Tones done with warm and cool gray Copic markers over the inks.
3. Colors applied digitally over tones on Photoshop.
Angela es Nova A Galaxis Orzoi kepregenybol.
A tussal-ecsettel kihuzott rajzot szurke tonusokkal arnyaltam filctollakkal, a szinek pedig digitalisan adtam hozza.
vasárnap, március 30
We had a project where we had to pick 2 pages of an existing comic with horrid storytelling, so I picked a fight scene from the first volume of Artifacts by Top Cow, where this massive fight scene was for some reason told in closeups of people yelling… So I decided to show the demons, the fight and the amusement park it took place in.
szerda, március 12
Kill Bill
A little fun for Humor class. We had to draw 3 famous women, so I went with the cast of (one of my) my all-time favorite films Kill Bill.
kedd, március 4
Video GAME Cover // Prince of Persia WARRIOR Within
Video game cover for one of my all-time favourites, Prince of Persia Warrior Within. Also my first attempt at painting something entirely digitally.
Boritoterv videojatekhoz. Elso probalkozasom a digitalis festessel.
Boritoterv videojatekhoz. Elso probalkozasom a digitalis festessel.
hétfő, március 3
Background #03 :: NAMOR's Throne Room
This is the last one, it also includes the most redesigns on my part. So Atlantis seems to be a place that is hard to find reference for in comics, no one seems to want to draw it. So my idea was that it would be a place built of concrete, because that's what's used for underwater construction (I didn't want to go with the ancient stone look). I figured it would be pretty simple, because honestly, what kind of technology would you have underwater.
vasárnap, március 2
Background #02 :: BATCAVE

This one is about Batman in his Batcave with his Batcomputer and Batmobile and Batalfred and Batnightwing and Batrobin. I was happy to include the T-Rex robot and my favorite, now retconned DC character, Oracle, I think she was the biggest loss of the New 52 reboot.
Once again, inks on Bristol, colors in Photoshop.
Background #01 :: ARKHAM Hallway
csütörtök, február 27
Daredevil // Inks

This 2-pager was written by Patrick Thompson, you can find his deviantArt here.
It is centered around an idea that Daredevil has this leathermask covering his eyes so he can pull off oll kinds of special effects to scare goons.
Ink on Bristol, 11 by 17"
szerda, február 26
Nights in Varanasi

I might do colors and lettering for it if I have time.
Csapatmunka egy ketoldalas torteneten.
Irta: Teresa Edeen.
Ceruzarajz: Varga Tamas (en)
Tus: Josh Zingerman
csütörtök, február 13
ZOE i04 Cover
A painted cover for issue 4 of my creator-owned graphic novel ZOE.
Some might remember, I posted images from it earlier.
Acrylics on canvasbord, 11 by 14"
Some might remember, I posted images from it earlier.
Acrylics on canvasbord, 11 by 14"
F4 // JACK KIRBY Redux
Some heresy might be involved here. We had to pick a page by classic comic book artist Jack Kirby and redraw it in our style. So I picked a page from Fantastic Four (to the right), because I love drawing the Human Torch, and tried to tell the story my way (below).
The last panel is not inked because it will be finished by my teacher Mike Barreiro as an inking demo.
Ink on Bristol, 11 by 17"
Egy klasszikus kepregenyoldal ujrameselese a sajat stilusomban. Az eredeti jobbra lathato, a Fantasztikus Negyes a legendas Jack Kirby tollabol. Alul az en valtozatom.
péntek, február 7
Gouache painting, 11x17"
This is a fanmade (me-made) poster design for one of the movies I am looking forward to seeing the most in 2014. I went with the classic Disney cartoon look.
Moziplakat a hamarosan bemutatasra kerulo Demona c. Disney-filmhez. A klasszikus Csipkerozsika rajzfilm latvanyat vettem alapul. A3 meretben festve gouache festekkel.
This is a fanmade (me-made) poster design for one of the movies I am looking forward to seeing the most in 2014. I went with the classic Disney cartoon look.
Moziplakat a hamarosan bemutatasra kerulo Demona c. Disney-filmhez. A klasszikus Csipkerozsika rajzfilm latvanyat vettem alapul. A3 meretben festve gouache festekkel.
csütörtök, február 6
Finally wrapped up the first Narrative assignment of the year. We got two pages of the old Batman versus Predator script, full of cityscapes in rain and groups of policepeople of rooftops...
Ink on Bristol, 11x17"
Ink on Bristol, 11x17"
kedd, január 28
While I don't have my own artbook yet, I might someday, so we had an assignment to do a cover for one. For once I could do whatever I wanted so I used this piece to have fun and not worry about style or execution.
8x14" Ink on Bristol
Colors in Photoshop.
Font: Libby by Matthew Welch
Boritoterv sajat rajzokat tartalmazo albumhoz.
8x14" Ink on Bristol
Colors in Photoshop.
Font: Libby by Matthew Welch
Boritoterv sajat rajzokat tartalmazo albumhoz.
csütörtök, január 16

Pencils on Bristol, 11x17"
Colors in Photoshop.
This is the first time I colored over pencils that weren't inked.
Karikatura orara egy kitalalt tv musor reklamposzteret kellett elkeszitenunk egyik osztalytarsunk foszereplesevel.
csütörtök, január 2
This was a painting I did for my Mom. She asked me to draw her angels for Christmas. This was the first time I tried painting on a stretched canvas with acrylics.
The picture was referenced from photographer Heather Landiss's underwater photo series The Abyss of the Disheartened.
Ezt a képet Anyukámnak festettem, aki azt kérte, rajzoljak neki angyalokat karácsonyra. Az első festményem feszített vászonra akrilfestékkel. A képet Heather Landiss vízalatti fotói alapján festettem.
The picture was referenced from photographer Heather Landiss's underwater photo series The Abyss of the Disheartened.
Ezt a képet Anyukámnak festettem, aki azt kérte, rajzoljak neki angyalokat karácsonyra. Az első festményem feszített vászonra akrilfestékkel. A képet Heather Landiss vízalatti fotói alapján festettem.
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