The first 3 pages of some old Vertigo script for Robert E. Howard's Wolfshead.
csütörtök, december 19
Captain Thunderbolt // Teaser
I have been working as inker on a 3-page comic with writer-penciler Patrick Thompson. It is about an Australian robber who used to call himself Captain Thunderbolt (for real). You can soon read the whole story in an upcoming anthology TBA!
vasárnap, december 15
HARRY POTTER Trading Cards
szombat, december 14
ZOË // Interior page from issue 06
ZOË i03 // Cover

Cimlap ZOË c. kepregenyem 3. szamahoz.
csütörtök, december 12
Dungeon Keeper 2 / Spiral Staircase Fight

This one was a spiral staircase assignment a few weeks ago. I picked the lead characters from the RTS video game Dungeon Keeper 2 from '98, the Horned Reaper ("Horny") and the Mistress. Yes, they were supposed to be ironic.
Ink on Bristol, 11x17"
szombat, december 7
I did some color rendering in PS over my submarine design.
I am shamefully proud of the name, it beats the Fantasticar.
I am shamefully proud of the name, it beats the Fantasticar.
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