The first 3 pages of some old Vertigo script for Robert E. Howard's Wolfshead.
csütörtök, december 19
Captain Thunderbolt // Teaser
I have been working as inker on a 3-page comic with writer-penciler Patrick Thompson. It is about an Australian robber who used to call himself Captain Thunderbolt (for real). You can soon read the whole story in an upcoming anthology TBA!
vasárnap, december 15
HARRY POTTER Trading Cards
szombat, december 14
ZOË // Interior page from issue 06
ZOË i03 // Cover

Cimlap ZOË c. kepregenyem 3. szamahoz.
csütörtök, december 12
Dungeon Keeper 2 / Spiral Staircase Fight

This one was a spiral staircase assignment a few weeks ago. I picked the lead characters from the RTS video game Dungeon Keeper 2 from '98, the Horned Reaper ("Horny") and the Mistress. Yes, they were supposed to be ironic.
Ink on Bristol, 11x17"
szombat, december 7
I did some color rendering in PS over my submarine design.
I am shamefully proud of the name, it beats the Fantasticar.
I am shamefully proud of the name, it beats the Fantasticar.
csütörtök, november 28
Sexy girl #1
szerda, november 27
OCTURBINE / Vehicle Design
My first stab at designing vehicles. I ended up with a slightly steampunkesque submarine that looks like a squid.
Ink on Bristol, 11x17"
Ink on Bristol, 11x17"
szombat, november 16
vasárnap, november 3
Monsters under the bed
This was a Halloween project, we had to pick a short horror story and illustrate it in one picture.
The story I picked is from the internet, probably from Reddit.
I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, “Daddy check for monsters under my bed.” I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy there’s somebody on my bed.”
Inkwash on illustration board, 11x11"
Illusztracio Halloween alkalmabol ketsoros horrormesehez, amit az internetrol szedtem. A sztori lenyege, hogy lefekvesnel a kisfiu megkeri apukajat, hogy nezze meg, vannak-e szornyek az agy alatt. Apuka lenez, es meg egyet talal a fiabol az agya alatt vacogva, aki azt suttogja: "Apa, van valaki az ágyamon..."
The story I picked is from the internet, probably from Reddit.
I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, “Daddy check for monsters under my bed.” I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy there’s somebody on my bed.”
Inkwash on illustration board, 11x11"
Illusztracio Halloween alkalmabol ketsoros horrormesehez, amit az internetrol szedtem. A sztori lenyege, hogy lefekvesnel a kisfiu megkeri apukajat, hogy nezze meg, vannak-e szornyek az agy alatt. Apuka lenez, es meg egyet talal a fiabol az agya alatt vacogva, aki azt suttogja: "Apa, van valaki az ágyamon..."
szombat, november 2
Iron Fist in K'un Lun

So this is Danny Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist, defending the ancient mystic city of K'un Lun.
Ink on Bristol, 11x17"
péntek, november 1
Greeting cards

#1 The baby's here
We had a greeting card assignment, I digitally painted them.
Udvozlolapok, digitalisan festve.
Az elso a baba erkezeset jelenti be.
This one is horizontal, and opens up for a second illustration.
A masodik kepeslap vizszintes elrendezesu, es igy nez ki kinyitva (alul).
Azt mondja, hogy "hiányzol (te és a föztöd)."
Szivkuldi Anyukamnak Amerikabol.
vasárnap, október 27
Alice - In The Red Queen's Castle
Fan art for the sequel of the video game American McGee's Alice.
Ink on Bristol 11x17”
Colored in Photoshop
It was intended to be a follow-up to the most popular drawing I did last year.
You can find that one here: ALICE
Ink on Bristol 11x17”
Colored in Photoshop
It was intended to be a follow-up to the most popular drawing I did last year.
You can find that one here: ALICE
csütörtök, október 17
Havok & Madelyne
Walk in the Woods
2-page Narrative assignment about two kid soldiers getting assassinated.
I had the option to pick anyone as the killer, so I used this chance to draw V (from Vfor Vendetta), and give the kids pulse rifles, because Aliens still rules. I also tried to experiment with the style, and it became something really unusual from me. Will keep polishing it.

I had the option to pick anyone as the killer, so I used this chance to draw V (from Vfor Vendetta), and give the kids pulse rifles, because Aliens still rules. I also tried to experiment with the style, and it became something really unusual from me. Will keep polishing it.

hétfő, október 7
vasárnap, október 6
Will Chalker (Painting)
péntek, október 4
"The Big Whuddizit?!"
So, I did not pick this name, this was the title of the assignment, where two people had to react to something happening outside in 4 panels. I went a little crazy with the freedom I had, so yeah, gay marines and aliens. I warned you.
csütörtök, október 3
KOMPAN Playgrounds Promo Comic
kedd, október 1
Self Promo
A flyer/poster kind of self promotion piece.
Ink on Bristol 11x17", colors & lettering in Photoshop.
Ink on Bristol 11x17", colors & lettering in Photoshop.
kedd, szeptember 24
Human Torch & Spidey
hétfő, szeptember 23

Two pages of a fight script. I chose Greeks vs Barbarians.
Second page layout was done by Andy Kubert, he spent an hour trying to come up with the most sophisticated thing for me. Yes, that means hard.
Anyway, finally we can ink our Narrative which lets me say goodbye to my rough rough rough pencils. Yay.
kedd, szeptember 17
Coastal Thailand, Lara
Finally back to inking.
This one is a Basic Drawing assignment, drawing a complex object without holding lines.
I chose the mushroom rock in the Andaman sea in Thailand.
Of course I'm not leaving out Lara Croft when I can afford. This place happened to be a playable level in Tomb Raider Underworld.
This one is a Basic Drawing assignment, drawing a complex object without holding lines.
I chose the mushroom rock in the Andaman sea in Thailand.
Of course I'm not leaving out Lara Croft when I can afford. This place happened to be a playable level in Tomb Raider Underworld.
Daily Strips
I'm back! Summer hibernation is over, second year at The Kubert School started, which means that new drawings are going to roll in almost daily. Who's excited?
The first thing I'm posting is a Humor assignment, two daily strips with a twist on some known saying. The idea for the first one came from my classmate Patrick Thompson (check out his inking here!), the second one is all mine. Pencils and inks by me on both.
The first thing I'm posting is a Humor assignment, two daily strips with a twist on some known saying. The idea for the first one came from my classmate Patrick Thompson (check out his inking here!), the second one is all mine. Pencils and inks by me on both.
kedd, július 23
World Champion, Page 02 (Lettered)

Anyone remember this piece? This one, right here.
World Champion Team-Up
It was a character design, based on a script for a graphic novel, written by Robert Shepyer.
We started working on it in June with Josh Zingerman doing the pencils and me doing inks, colors, and on this page, letters.
This is our second page that is completely done. Once we get there, we want to put it on Kickstarter. Stay tuned!
péntek, július 19
"The Crow" - Team-up with Ms Aysegül Sinav

Please check out her other drawings on her DeviantArt page!
I took this drawing to practice inking on it, and I am quite happy with the results. It is always a dilemma of what to keep and what to change up when I ink someone else's drawing and I took liberties with the rendering to make it suit my style a bit better.
CLICK ON IMAGE for higher resolution!
péntek, június 7
csütörtök, május 23
Narrative Final :: X-MEN in the Danger Room

In the script they get locked up in the Danger Room by the villain Arcade, who puts them through all sorts of hell before he gets knocked out by a mysterious saviour. The scenery had to change every page, from the Savage Land to an alien planet, which left little room for epic giant panels, but I tried my best. Possibly I should do the fifth page so I can submit it to Marvel for a review.
A Marvel tesztforgatokonyveben leendo rajzolok szamara az X-Men nehany tagjat bezarja a hologramos edzoterembe egy Arisztid nevu gonosz, es a vezerloterembol valtogatja a lekuzdendo veszelyeket. A helyszinnek es ellensegeknek minden oldalon valtoznia kellett, a Barbarfold dinoszauruszaitol az orszemrobotokon at a foldonkivuliekig, ami megszoritotta a terjedelmet.

Spidey Kids vol.1
I colored two more of the cast, MJ and the Green Goblin.
I have drawn Gwen, Peter and Harry, too, probably will post them soon.
I have drawn Gwen, Peter and Harry, too, probably will post them soon.
szombat, május 18
ZOË :: Animation
A couple seconds of my first (and possibly last) effort at longer hand-drawn animation.
I chose the fight scene from my graphic novel Zoë that I worked on last year as my subject.
This is as far as I got with it.
See some of the original illustrations here:
Az utobbi felev animacio-orainak termeke ez a par masodperc.
Tavalyi kepregenyem, Zoë egyik harcjelentetet valasztottam temanak.
I chose the fight scene from my graphic novel Zoë that I worked on last year as my subject.
This is as far as I got with it.
See some of the original illustrations here:
Az utobbi felev animacio-orainak termeke ez a par masodperc.
Tavalyi kepregenyem, Zoë egyik harcjelentetet valasztottam temanak.
kedd, május 14
Gotham City

11x17", pencil on Blue Line comic board.
I chose the Batman Beyond costume, besause I like it a lot more than the regular one.
I'm pretty proud of the Catwoman inset.
Perspektiva tanulmany: Batman es Macskano Gotham Cityben.
Ceruzarajz A3 kepregenylapon.
hétfő, május 13
vasárnap, május 12
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